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Pablo Bandz

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Pablo Bandz last won the day on February 27 2024

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  1. shootout got his friend too revive us and shoot us was also a cheater and got banned for it
  2. there is no prior interactions i joined walked in the bank i was in the server 5 minutes max before dying
  3. That’s not initiation and you can check logs I spawned in walked into the bank
  4. Your Name: pablo bandz Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:122905120 Who are you reporting?(DiscordID/SteamID):76561199644996626 What rule did they break?:rdm Explain how they broke the rule:by killing me in bank no threat Evidence(Footage etc):https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1Yx28DFpUR-HDu/d1337kCxypHy?invite=cr-MSxRSVMsNDI4NTczOTEs Additional Information:didnt give a warning or anything just shot
  5. Your the same guy who’s bhopping nice cheats lmao
  6. it shows in logs he revived u once i dont need to show proof for something thats in logs he knows the bugs and what hes doing thinking hes slick or something
  7. Your Name:Pablo young Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:122905120 Who are you reporting?(DiscordID/SteamID):goose/STEAM_0:1:351145 What rule did they break?:FearRp, Racism admin abuse Explain how they broke the rule: Helping his friends in a shootout by reviving them so they dont lost there gun after we killed them all, Respawns his friend when he knows the bug with infinite health and you have too revive twice in the next shootout (they shot my friend in the ambulance for no reason) and when i try too shoot them i hit one of them with 2 full mags doing no damage and he sees them bhopping and isnt doing anything about it. If this is the only admin available too you guys gg his staff application might be good but hes definitely abusing his powers as admin. Also in the third clip we raided him previously where he proceedes too call us n words and was salty (also broke fear rp) Evidence(Footage etc):https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1XXAgv-l-BN3El/d1337Zx374bi?invite=cr-MSxFNjIsNDI4NTczOTEs https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1XXzwOGhAc7VwE/d1337O42J9WC?invite=cr-MSxoVE0sNDI4NTczOTEs https://medal.tv/games/requested/clips/1XBS2IaPCf0swG/d1337SZwDf3A?invite=cr-MSxZeVQsNDI4NTczOTEs Additional Information: They are his friends and being corrupt by helping them in admin sits ontop of that is allowed too break fear rp not face consequences and say the n word blatantly.
  8. also getting his friend too revive us when hes involved in the same situation
  9. Your Name: Steam Name: canhead Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:122905120 Who are you reporting?(DiscordID/SteamID): STEAM_0:0:136532614 What rule did they break?: killed me while zip tied Explain how they broke the rule: killed me while im in zip ties demanding money i cant drop while zip tied Evidence(Footage etc): https://medal.tv/games/requested/clips/1XXiRV3OFoLg-K/d1337mvcp3S8?invite=cr-MSxBVjgsNDI4NTczOTEs Additional Information: killed his friend for pointing guns at me
  10. https://medal.tv/games/requested/clips/1XMCkEloG_zIlc/d1337SIlVyr2?invite=cr-MSwzRHMsNDI4NTczOTEs
  11. wouldnt suggest him at all gets his friends too break rules for him ontop of that acts like a minge in game was also warned today
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