DiscordID?: sharky28
SteamID?: STEAM_0:0:478313462
Steam Profile?: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198916892652/
Age?: 19
What timezone are you located in?
Do you have a functioning microphone?:
Yes I do.
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community? If yes, explain in next question.
Explain your previous experience with detail please.
2020 - 2021 | Clay Knight Gaming | Military RP | Highest rank: Senior Mod | Reason for leaving: Server Shutdown.
2021 | Liberty Gaming | Military RP | Highest rank: Super Admin and Developer | Reason for leaving: Server Shutdown.
2022 - 2023 | Diverge Networks | Mafia RP | Highest rank: Seasoned Admin | Reason for leaving: Wanted to move on from staff position on that server. | Notes: Had over 2.5k tickets done.
How often will you be able to be on? Explain your schedule inside a week.
I will be able to be on staff for 5-12 hours a week and always open on discord for questions.
What makes you stand out from other candidates?
What makes me stand out from other candidates is that I bring years of experience being staff on mostly serious-rp servers.
Notes / Comments:
I love where the server is going and love what I see in showcases. I want to help the community from a staff standpoint and hope to see it grow to its full potential. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
Do you understand, if you contact anyone regarding your staff application, that it will get removed?