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Osmosis Jones

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Everything posted by Osmosis Jones

  1. Dates from my Google Drive if that helps, blurred emails due to real names
  2. It's been a very long time so it's hard to recall all of them but the ones I remember clearly Santos Project Steele, Mythical Gaming, Cosmic Gaming, Northview RP, La Vida under the previous name The FiveM servers were vMenu and strict RP back when I played from 2018 to 2021 Liberty RP Golden State RP Mayfair County RP
  3. Discord name: @dignitasholo In-Game name: John Peppers Age: 16 Past experience as a police officer in other gamemodes/on santos gamemode?: Yes, I've been apart of numerous Santos and FiveM servers serving as an LEO. Why should we choose you as a police officer of RiverdenPD?: I've got training and years of experience I'm willing to bring to the table and this server looks promising and fresh. I'd be grateful to be apart of it and do my part. Do you understand inproper jail times can result in a game ban?: (Yes/No) Yes
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