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  1. Discord name: ethanxd42069 In-Game name: Ethan Roberts Age: 20 Past experience as a police officer in other gamemodes/on santos gamemode?: Project Steele, Cryptic Life, Cosmic Gaming, Defconn Nations Santos, PERP Heads Why should we choose you as a police officer of RiverdenPD?: I believe you should chose me for three simple reasons, reason one is my extensive background knowledge not only within Garrys Mod but FiveM and Arma Life. I have been roleplaying through out different games for around 6 years now and with that comes a plethora of knowledge and experience that I am willing and ready to use when needed. Reason two is my mature and professional demeanor can be useful for newer and lesser experienced officers on a leader and someone who they would be able to see in the field and learn from. The last reason I believe I should be chosen as a police officer is because of my want and willingness to join and learn the new things from this server and game mode. Do you understand inproper jail times can result in a game ban?: Yes
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