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harry's police application


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Discord name: horridest

In-Game name: N/A

Age: 20

Past experience as a police officer in other gamemodes/on santos gamemode?: PERP (Corporal, TFU), Defcon Nations Santos (Officer, SWAT), Monolith (LT, SWAT, Detective), XYZ (Colonel)

Why should we choose you as a police officer of RiverdenPD?: I have a lot of experience as cop on numerous servers, I am professional, dependable and pick things up quick. PERP being the hardest server I achieved a decent rank on, where I performed performance reviews, TFU training & tazer training. On XYZ I ran my own PD division for over 2 years, where I achieved the highest success rate out of 6 divisions. On Defcon I was a cop for a short period, when the server was fairly dead, and I did not gain a lot of experience, however my prior experience allowed me to get SWAT & PD whitelist.

Do you understand inproper jail times can result in a game ban?: Yes

Edited by harry
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