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Staff Application - Template [CLOSED - YOU CAN APPLY STILL]


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Mellow Staff Application Template


  • Atleast 16 years of age.
  • Good standing within the community.
  • Able to act professional with a serious manner.
  • Has a microphone available for use.
  • A well structured staff application

Copy the following text and paste in your application.


SteamID?: (https://www.steamidfinder.com)

Steam Profile?: (https://www.steamidfinder.com)


What timezone are you located in? GMT+1/EST/PST

Do you have a functioning microphone?: 

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community? If yes, explain in next question.

Explain your previous experience with detail please.

How often will you be able to be on? Explain your schedule inside a week.

What makes you stand out from other candidates?

Do you understand, if you contact anyone regarding your staff application, that it will get removed?


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