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  1. W update, can't wait for server launch
  2. Good candidate, active on server & shows potential. Your application is lacking some detail, try and expand on why we should choose you; act as if there are other candidates. +Support (with changes)
  3. flux


    After reviewing all the evidence provided, the instigator would have received a warning point for initiation/RDM in a green zone. However, the player in question is already permbanned for an unrelated offence. Feel free to make a refund request for any items you lost. Accepted-ish
  4. flux


    Although in the clip there is no initiation, I cannot see your prior interactions with said player, as the clip starts with you already interacting with him. Pending
  5. flux


    Hi, have you got a clip of you walking into bank before this occurred. In the clip you are already interacting with the player, meaning I do not know what was exchanged, if anything before this encounter. You also prompted the player to a 1v1, and called the player "a stupid little pussy", which may have escalated the situation further. As for @bajan933, please do not shitpost on a player report, if you have any valuable information please feel free to post it here. Pending
  6. Neutral, not sure what your in-game name is but I haven't seen you online before, could be a good candidate.
  7. guide looks great, hope this helped some people!
  8. flux

    harry's staff app

    thank you man, i'm better than most of the staff on there now lmfao
  9. DiscordID?: horridest SteamID?: STEAM_0:0:740229 Steam Profile?: https://steamcommunity.com/id/teesnuts/ Age?: 20 What timezone are you located in? GMT +1 Do you have a functioning microphone?: Yes Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community? If yes, explain in next question. Defcon Serious SantosRP (Admin), XYZ Semi-Serious PoliceRP (Admin) Explain your previous experience with detail please: Defcon (2020-2022) - On Defcon I was an admin for over a year, during the servers decline, however I completed on avg 40-50 tickets per week, being on the forums and in-game. I dealt with whitelist requests, ran my own gang and mostly staffed the server on my own. I was transferred to PurgeRP as a Senior Admin however the experience on Purge wasn't adequate to include. XYZ (2018-2020) - On XYZ, I was a fairly seasoned admin, having loads of experience dealing with tickets, on the forums and in-game. I was staff 3x on XYZ, and had completed 1500 avg tickets. I dealt with whitelists, player reports, suggestions & refund requests, and was well respected by the community, having over 2 months playtime on the server. How often will you be able to be on? Explain your schedule inside a week: I can be available for 12-14 hours per week, and am not available Wednesday evenings & Sunday morning/afternoon. What makes you stand out from other candidates? Although I have barely any staff experience on active SeriousRP servers, I can build relations with the community and ensure that all tickets are properly dealt with. I have a lot of experience with SeriousRP having good roleplay knowledge, and ran a successful org on PERP for over a year, showing I have good leadership skills. Do you understand, if you contact anyone regarding your staff application, that it will get removed? Yes
  10. flux


    citi custom cash can also be used to donate for vip with 5% cashback
  11. Discord name: horridest In-Game name: N/A Age: 20 Past experience as a police officer in other gamemodes/on santos gamemode?: PERP (Corporal, TFU), Defcon Nations Santos (Officer, SWAT), Monolith (LT, SWAT, Detective), XYZ (Colonel) Why should we choose you as a police officer of RiverdenPD?: I have a lot of experience as cop on numerous servers, I am professional, dependable and pick things up quick. PERP being the hardest server I achieved a decent rank on, where I performed performance reviews, TFU training & tazer training. On XYZ I ran my own PD division for over 2 years, where I achieved the highest success rate out of 6 divisions. On Defcon I was a cop for a short period, when the server was fairly dead, and I did not gain a lot of experience, however my prior experience allowed me to get SWAT & PD whitelist. Do you understand inproper jail times can result in a game ban?: Yes
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