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  1. Mail Truck Driver is one of the civilian jobs availiable on the Server. It is one of the original SantosRP gamemode jobs. In this guide, I will take you through a step-by-step guide of the Mail Truck Driver job. 1. Reaching the Job NPC Reaching the Job NPC is fairly simple. He can be found by taking a right out of spawn and following the road, staying on the right until you reach the fire station. The NPC is located in the yellow warehouse with the blue gate. Once entering the building through the red door, you can see two identical-looking NPCs standing on the left side. The one on the left is the Sales Truck Driver NPC, and the one on the right is the one we are interested in, the NPC for the Mail Truck Driver job. Talk to him by pressing E and click the top option. 2. Your Mail Truck You should now have gotten a notification on the right side saying "You are now a Mail Truck Driver!". Once you get that notification, talk to the NPC again to spawn your mail truck. You can also quit your job in this menu. Note: You do not need to store your mail truck before quitting your job. It will automatically despawn. After selecting "I would like to spawn my truck.", the Mail Truck should spawn behind you. You should also start hearing thumping noises. That is the audio cue of boxes being loaded into your truck. You should also be able to see a floating sign next to the truck, saying "Mail Depot" and below it "Drive here to load boxes into your truck". Your truck has a capacity for ten boxes. When you have delivered them all, you have to return to the mail depot and park your truck here to fill it up again. 3. Delivery You can now get started delivering mail boxes. On the top left (Slightly blocked by the server logo) You can see your packages remaining and the destination you have to bring the package though. You can also see a green dot which clips through any objects, showing you the direction to the package's destination. Once you arrive at the location, exit your mail truck and walk to the back. You can either keep it unlocked or lock it, but it is usually a good idea to lock it. Now, make sure to look at the ledge below the the door (The door itself has no collision and nothing will happen if you press E on it) and a package will spawn. Equip your hands and you will be able to drag the package using your left mouse button (Or whatever else the "shoot" key is on your mouse). Drag it to the green sphere with the text "Delivery Point". When it disappears, you should get a notification that the package has been delivered and you will have recieved the pay from the delivery straight into your personal inventory. The "Packages Remaining" indicator will also tick to 9 and the Delivery Destination will switch to the next destination. Note: Make sure you are standing at an angle from the ledge or you may become stuck in the package. If the package is not moved for a while it will automatically despawn. Moving the package to the ledge also despawns it. This way you can remove packages that you accidentally spawned. 4. Congratulations! You have finished the step-by-step guide on how to play the Mail Truck Driver role. I hope it was helpful and cleared up any possible questions or issues you may have had.
  2. Discord name: seawolf9202 In-Game name: Geoffrey Sinclair Age: 20 Past experience as a police officer in other gamemodes/on santos gamemode?: I've had experience playing police on SantosRP since 2017, mainly on Geetsly's Gaming Network (On which I reached Corporal) and ProjectSteele (On which I reached Lieutenant and had forays into (Edit: I was SWAT lead for a while. Double-checked for sake of accuracy)SWAT and Internal Affairs alonside helping shape some of the SOPs of the department on that server). All in all I have extensive experience in RPing police on SantosRP itself. There were also other servers, but they lasted too short for me to remember their names. In terms of other gamemodes, I've done a bit on perpheads, although in a limited capacity as I don't play perpheads much. Why should we choose you as a police officer of RiverdenPD?: I have extensive experience playing police on SantosRP servers and would be able to benefit the rest of the department by sharing my experience. My experience would also be able to benefit the PD in terms of what works and doesn't work for SOPs and so on. Do you understand inproper jail times can result in a game ban?: Yes By the way - It seems that automatically skipping to a new line is a bit broken.
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