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Everything posted by Waz

  1. My in-game name is "Adam Burnett"
  2. DiscordID?: waz2k SteamID?: 76561199048124923 Steam Profile?: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199048124923/ Age?: 16 What timezone are you located in? PST Do you have a functioning microphone?: Yes I do. Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community? No I do not. How often will you be able to be on? Explain your schedule inside a week. Everyday, all day. I do online school so I only work for a couple hours one day out of an entire week, so I can be on pretty much all day any day, and I wake up around 8:30AM PST usually. What makes you stand out from other candidates? I really enjoy this server and think it has great potential. I've never been an admin before but I think I'd do great and I want this to be the first server I become an admin on. I'm respectful, understanding, and not power hungry. I wan't to make this server any bit better that I can, and have a fun time doing it. I'm a nice guy and I think the server would enjoy having me around. I want the players of the server to enjoy the admins other than despise them. Do you understand, if you contact anyone regarding your staff application, that it will get removed? Yes I do.
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