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  1. Will be locked on the 6th for inactivity.
  2. Very neat, appreciate it that you took the time to create this. I'll link it to the FAQ!
  3. At the hospital seems like everyone was respawned, even you so bit confused, could you perhaps show the whole footage, same with the firetruck exploding. FearRP video I can get behind though and racism is allowed ICly to an extent. In this scenario it wasn't used 'malicously'.
  4. Introductions Greetings reader, we are thrilled to finally announce the release of our SantosRP server. It's been a long journey and we can't wait to see where we go from here, whether you're a seasoned enthusiast of the Santos gamemode or a curious newcomer. Welcome to Mellow.gg! So what exactly do we offer? We have made extensive customizations to the original Santos Gamemode and are continuing to develop more, if you have any ideas we'd love them! Features which we offer: - Whitelisted Police Department. - Gang/Organization System. - Police CAD system in police cruisers and computers. - Top of the line Phone with the ability to call, take pictures, transfer funds and more. - Various creation of drugs such as Meth, Cocaine, Weed, Hash, LSD & Moonshine. - Our own edited version of the map "rp_riverden_v1a". - Skills system with Stamina, Crafting, Fishing, Drug Production & Mining - Crafting system which is actually fun. This includes weapon crafting! - Daily Mystery boxes with unique clothing which creates a player-driven economy. - Bank robbery system which requires you to craft a drill to break into the vault. - Wearing masks covers your identity so no one knows who you are. - Handshake system where you need to actually talk to people to know their name. - Casino System featuring Blackjack, roulette and slot machines. - FAS2 with plenty of weapon varieties. - VCMod with customizable features. We're also planning to make an Government and Criminal Overhaul to make a deeper dive into Roleplay opportunities but more about that on a later date! Meet the team! Our dedicated team of moderators and admins are here to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns! We are also looking for more staff members, so if this is something which peaks your interest, drop an application and we'll take a look at it! Get involved: Introduce yourself in the general chat over on Discord and find new friends! We also showcase our newest content in the showcase channel and post frequent updates in the updates channel, take a look at them and give your thoughts! Spread the Word! We'd love it if you were to invite your friends over to enjoy the moment, and help grow the community in any means! Important Links: You can check out our rules over here! We also have an FAQ which covers a bunch of questions and is frequently updated! Remember to download our Workshop Collection! Server Trailer! Our trailer was made by SkipFighter which you can find here! What are you waiting for? Join us today at
  5. Pending Would also love more detail on the application as it's lacking.
  6. Mellow Bug Report Template Note: Attempt to be as clear as possible when submitting a bug report to make it easier on our developers. We might contact you for further details. What is the bug?: What did you exactly do to discover the bug, step by step?: Additional Notes(Footage etc):
  7. Adding to this list as we go, make sure to suggest more down the line. How do I join the server? Simple! You can either look for the SantosRP gamemode in the Garry's Mod Server Browser or connect straight with our IP; How do I change my characters appearance? In the hospital there's a NPC in the surgery room whom you can visit to change your face and even gender. Note that it costs $10,000 to do this. How do I access the inventory? Just hit your Q key and you'll get the whole menu, it also stores your skills, buddies and more! How do I pick up things? Hit ALT + E while looking at the item to pick it up. Remember that if you only drop the item and not abandon it no one else can pick it up. Why am I missing textures/content? Make sure you have CSS content installed as well as our content pack! Also make sure in your settings that you allow all custom content to be downloaded, you can find this in the Game Tab/Multiplayer of your Garry's Mod Settings. How do I go into thirdperson? Hit F1 to toggle it off and on! How do I get an property? Across the PD there's a small corner office in which you can interact with an NPC and rent out an property! Make sure that if you're not using the property to sell it so that someone else can use it! How can I make money? There are tons of jobs across the map, such as delivery jobs and even being an Firefighter, you can also rent out one of the shops and sell your own product! I lost my stuff when I crashed/server crashed, how can I get it back? If you head over to the bank and speak with the NPC, you can collect your items from the lost and found! How do I make an gang? You can apply on our forums to have an certified organization within the game. How do I start my car and put on my seatbelt? You can use I to start your engine and P for putting on your seatbelt! I need help from staff, how can I request one? You can contact staff by typing in chat @ and your message for them, then simply wait for one to show up! If no one is available you can either request one in the discord or perhaps make an Player Report on the forums! I didn't receive my VIP in-game, what should I do? Contact someone from the Management team in discord and they'll help you out! I'm stuck, I need help! You can utilize the /unstuck command and if that doesn't work you can call help from a staff member! Job Locations: Paramedic - Interact with the NPC outside the doors of the hospital. Firefighter - Next to the basketball courtyard, interact with the NPC inside the building. Tow Truck Driver - Mechanic Shop near the Power Plant, speak with the Clerk inside. Mail Delivery & Sales Truck Driver - Industrial Warehouse #2 near the Fire Department. City Worker - Left side on the steps up to the City Hall. Taxi Driver & City Sanitation Worker - Across the hospital on the parking lot. Miscellaneous NPCs: Skill Book NPC - Clerk at Hyatt's Place near the train station. Black Market Dealer - Between the two warehouses near the Basketball courtyard. Drug Dealer - Contact by phone to get his location. User made Guides: Mail Delivery Driver - Made by @ncaaSeawolf
  8. Mellow Suggestions Template Note: Make sure your idea hasn't been suggested already! Your Suggestion: Why should we implement this?: What would the server gain from this addition?: Additional Notes(Links etc):
  9. one

    The secret sauce

    Plot Twist: Too lazy to do the dishes
  10. Mellow Report Template Rules: You may only comment on an report if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the scenario. Replies that are not relevant to the situation will result in a forum warning and/or ban. You must follow the provided template for the report, failure to do so will result in an instant denial. Note: It's also important to note timestamps and other relevant small detail as the Staff Team has additional tools to look in to the matter, such as logs et cetera. Your Name: Your SteamID: Who are you reporting?(DiscordID/SteamID): What rule did they break?: Explain how they broke the rule: Evidence(Footage etc): Additional Information:
  11. one

    Cosmos staff app

    Accepted. Message me on Discord anytime and I'll have you brought up to speed. Welcome to the Team!
  12. Mellow Ban Appeal Template Rules: You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the warn. Replies that are not relevant to the situation will result in a forum warning and/or ban. You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial. Your Name: Your SteamID: Reason for warn: Reason for appeal: Why should you be unwarned? Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  13. Mellow Ban Appeal Template Rules: You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the ban OR the appeal is for a permanent ban. Replies that are not relevant to the situation will result in a forum warning and/or ban. You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial. Your Name: Your SteamID: Reason for ban: Length of ban: Reason for appeal: Why should you be unbanned? Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  14. Docs for server rules available HERE Server Rules Managed by the Mellow Management Disclaimer: The rules can be changed at any time without notice. If something is not outlined in the rules, however we warrant it deserves a punishment, staff hold the right to proceed with any appropriate punishment. If something is done that indicates a clear problem within the rules, a rule will be added regarding it. 1.0 Roleplay Rules -In-Character Names -Powergaming -Metagaming -Fail Roleplay -Killing Emergency Services -Putting Your Life At Risk -Fear Roleplay -Prank Calling -Vehicle Damage & Shooting Vehicles -Idling (AFK) -Breaking The Fourth Wall -Recognising Players -Combat Logging -Baiting Police -Improper License Plates -Unrealistic Pricing -Head Glitching -Combat Storing -Distributing Wealth and Possessions -Scamming and Betting 2.0 Criminal Rules -Weapon Legality -Mugging/Holding Up -Forced Withdrawals -Kidnapping -Grand Theft Auto -Hostages -Fake Hostages -Serial Murders -Finishing People Off -Mayoral Assassination -Miscellaneous Rules 3.0 New Life Rules -Ragdoll -Unconscious -Dead -Swapping Jobs 4.0 Initiation Rules -General Initiation -New Players -Holding Up 5.0 Map, Property & Construction Rules -Green Zones -Exploiting Green Zones -Fortifications -Billboards -Properties -Elaborate Construction -Placing Props & Realistic Construction -CCTV Cameras 6.0 Job Rules -Job Abuse -Paramedic Rules -Police Rules -Police Corruption -Firefighter Rules -City Worker Rules -Secret Service Rules -Mayor Rules -Tow Truck rules -Transport Driver rules 7.0 Communication & Chat Rules -Abusing OOC Chat -Third Party Communication -Advertisements 8.0 General Rules -Visual or Auditory Media -Organisations -Gang Wars -Using police skins -Player etiquette 9.0 Administration Rules -Leniency -Prop Abuse -Vigilantism -Staff Disrespect -Admin sits -When an Admin deals with their own sit -Evidence -Lying in an Admin Situation -Asking for a new staff member -Asking for a Certain Staff Member -Joining admin situations -TOS Breaches (Doxing Players) -Punishments -Exploiting & General Etiquette 1.0 - Roleplay Rules 1.1 - In-Character Names In-Character names must be realistic, and cannot involve the names of: A famous individual or fictional character. A name or a slight variation to the name of any current staff member, or a name they were once known for (the staff member may approve the player to use that name) The name of a gang that you have not been accepted into. Racist or derogatory in any form Variations of racist, sexist, offensive or vulgar terms The appropriateness of a name is up to the discretion of the staff member You cannot split a racial or inappropriate term between your first and last name. 1.2 - Powergaming Powergaming is when a player is unrealistically forced into an uncontrollable situation where there is no potential for any RP. 1.3 - Metagaming Metagaming is using or distributing information that you have gained outside of roleplay situations to further benefit your roleplay experience 1.4 - Fail Roleplay Fail Roleplay can be classed doing anything you would either not do in real life, or is deemed unrealistic, such as: Mugging in any area that is in easy sight of the general public Putting a car inside of a building or where a vehicle is not intended to be stored, or spawning a car in an unrealistic place Dancing while in handcuffs or while holding a weapon Using a two-handed weapon while dragging someone with handcuffs/zipties (single handed weapons, such as a taser or pistol are exempt from this rule) Using medic NPC to heal during an active gunfight (First Aid Kits are allowed to be used) If a player’s car is being towed (has a hook attached or is being put onto the truck bed), they cannot get into the car and drive away Asking someone if they are a member of FBI (you need a reason - you can’t randomly assume they are. You need to have witnessed some form of suspicious activity) When made to face a wall under Fear RP, you can only see the wall. If the person holding you under Fear RP pulls out their hand cuffs, you cannot assume that they have put their weapon away When being detained/arrested/kidnapped you will be cuffed. If the person holding you under Fear RP puts their gun away you must wait 3 seconds before you can run away. 1.5 - Killing Emergency Services You may not kill Fire/EMS while they are on duty. They are meant to be neutral and prohibited from committing crime. Though you may kill them if they're a witness to a crime or if they're assisting a patient but you tell them not to (FearRP) 1.6 - Putting Your Life At Risk (Failure to Value Life) Any actions taken that may put your life, freedom or general well-being at risk must be done realistically and for beneficial reasons only. This is relevant to the violation of any law (Murders, thefts, etc.), as they are expected to be conducted realistically. Players may not put their life at a great risk if the benefits are greatly outweighed by the risk associated., and you must also not do anything that has unreasonable risk to yourself or another player. Players may not run into active gunfights unless they are apart of the said gunfight. You must make attempts to disguise that you are doing crime publicly. It is up to staff discretion if you did this well enough. You can't do PVP for the sake of PVP. The outcome must outweigh the risk. Police dominance is not an excuse. Suicide roleplay is permitted if it is roleplayed out to the fullest extent. This does not mean you can do this as a means to escape a situation, as it would be considered exploiting. This can only be done once every 20 minutes, and can only request up to $10,000 to not carry out the suicide. 1.7 - Fear Roleplay Players must, at all times, do everything in their power to prevent and/or avoid their own death. If someone attempts to put you under Fear RP and another player who is not in a related gang tries to take over they can only do so if the initial instigator releases you from Fear RP. They must also reinitiate. Two people must not try and give you contradicting orders. You must listen to the person who initiated Fear RP initially. When a gun or a taser is pointed at you (unless you’re in a car, refer below), you must do whatever the person holding the gun says. If you’re in a car and going over 20 KM/H, this rule is void. When a melee weapon or taser is aimed in your direction, you must do whatever the person says, unless: You can pull a firearm (Pistol, Assault Rifle, etc.) and put them under Fear RP. You’re in a car or behind a wall/window/object and it obstructs the view of your person. This only applies to Melee If your gun is on safety and someone that is in front of you pulls a gun on you, you may take the safety off and use the gun. If you have a gun out and someone comes up directly behind you, then you must follow what they say. The player you are holding up must see with their eyes you have a gun for them to continue with the roleplay, this can be achieved by walking in front of them or them turning around If you order a player not to speak and then ask them a question they must answer. Asking a question that requires an answer is considered an order. Fear RP does not apply to a player if they are inside the SWAT Bearcat, as the vehicle in question is bulletproof. This is the only vehicle this rule applies to. A Secret Service or Police Officer may use radio communications under Fear RP if they have an earpiece equipped, but may be put under Fear RP to take it off. If available, once the SS/Police is out of Fear RP, they may roleplay using an in-car radio to get back on communications. 1.8 - Prank Calling Excessive Prank Calling is not allowed, and a valid roleplay reason must be presented. Prank Calling Police to divert them from a location where criminal activities are occurring is permitted. 1.9 - Vehicle Damage & Shooting Vehicles Intentionally ramming/colliding with another vehicle is not allowed unless it sufficiently benefits you. Visual damage to your vehicle is initiation (i.e. popped tires, smoking car). This does not include player health. This rule is void if the vehicle in which was damaged was the cause of the collision (I.e. was recklessly driving themselves, then causing the crash). Players can’t shoot at vehicles unless prior initiation has taken place. Players can’t initiate on the ‘vehicle’ as such, but rather whoever the current driver is (can’t shoot at a vehicle if it changes drivers). Police may only shoot at vehicles if Lethal Force has been authorised by a Sergeant+. This may only be authorised if the vehicle or person (s) is putting police or civilian lives at risk. 1.10 - Idling (Away From Keyboard) Idling for any period of time as a job is not permitted. If caught, you will be demoted and kicked. Going AFK in a car is not permitted. If caught, you will be removed from the vehicle and have your car locked in order for other players to have the opportunity to steal your car. 1.11 - Breaking The Fourth Wall (OOC) You should minimize reference to out of character situations or conversations while in a current roleplay situation. 1.12 - Recognising Players Players can only recognise/describe another player if they have seen a reasonable amount of their face or their apparel. (This applies to recognising players by voice) IA may recognize other police via their face and voice. 1.13 - Combat Logging Combat Logging is the act of logging off or exiting the game during an RP situation that negatively affects you. Players may be warned for Combat Logging for any of the following: Leaving while your car is being chopped. Leaving while you are being mugged or held hostage. Leaving while being arrested. Leaving while being shot at/shooting. Leaving and rejoining while dead with Paramedics online. Any other RP situation as determined by players/staff. It is up to a player to ensure they’re not in any RP situation before they leave to avoid punishment. 1.14 - Baiting Police Baiting Police is attempting to gain the Police’s attention in order for them to pull you over, search you, arrest you, etc. Players are not permitted to bait police officers in any way, whether physically or verbally. Baiting includes intentionally performing illegal activities, including breaking traffic laws, in front of Police to gain their attention or to annoy them. Baiting also includes the use of text messages to bait police to a place so that you can kill them. Don’t use the robbery system for the reason of gaining initiation in order to go cop hunting. 1.15 - Licence Plates All licence plates must be valid and realistic. Licence plates cannot represent terrorism, pornography, vulgarities, hateful words on to criticise a certain group of people or has slur words is not permitted. You can't use props to cover more than one license plate on your car at once, you can block off either the front or back plate at your discretion but only one at a time. 1.16 - Unrealistic Pricing All merchandise/items must be sold at a realistic price. If your merchandise is ‘unique’ and, as such, requires a higher price, exceptions may apply. It is up to the staff member’s discretion if pricing is unrealistic. Selling items of which difference can’t be established from your competitors’ items at a high price is considered anticompetitive. 1.17 - Head Glitching Using any method of building or cover to hide your body and your head, but still be able to see & shoot over the prop, is strictly against the rules. 1.18 - Combat Storing A player cannot store any illegal contents, including weapons, drugs, etc., in order to keep the items after being at risk of losing them through an arrest or death. This includes storing items so that Police cannot identify that you had illegal items on you prior to the arrest, unless the Police have lost you in their line of sight. You are permitted to ‘ditch’ the items by dropping them on the ground. 1.19 - Scamming and Betting Scamming is permitted for all transactions under $2,000. If operating a casino or gambling den, you are not allowed to scam people. To avoid being scammed, use cash registers. 2.0 - Criminal Activity Rules 2.1 - Weapon Legality Possession of any Class II and Class III is illegal, except with the Police or Secret Service being exempt from this. 2.2 - Mugging/Holding Up Players cannot mug more than once in any 30 minute period; nor can they mug the same player twice within 60 minutes. You cannot mug players for items, and you can only mug for a maximum of $2,000. Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner, as mugging someone in the middle of the street or without a weapon is not realistic. An exception is made to holding up to kidnap or holding up to commit GTA If a player does not have the requested amount for mugging, the player may not be killed. A lower amount may be requested, however, the player may not be killed if the second amount is unobtainable. If a mugged player pays the amount requested, they cannot be killed. You may roleplay hitting the player in the head with a melee weapon to hinder their memory of the mugging. You are not permitted to mug anyone who is employed as any job. Lying about how much money you have on your person is against the rules. 2.3 - Forced Withdrawals Players cannot be mugged for items in the bank, vault, or funds from their ATM account. You cannot kill another player with the sole intent of mugging them for their items. 2.5 - Kidnapping Kidnapping is defined as the action of forcibly taking someone away against their will and holding them captive. At least 2 Police need to be on in order to kidnap someone. There must be a 1:2 ratio of hostages to police to kidnap someone. This is expressed as for every 2 Police, you may kidnap one person. Players may kidnap Police as long as there are 3 other police available, including SWAT. Players can only kidnap another player if it is absolutely necessary and benefits the player to such an extent that it outweighs the risks involved. You are only able to demand a maximum $20,000 per hostage in any situation. You cannot keep bodies away from Paramedics without a valid reason, such as for the purpose of ensuring they don’t pose a threat again. You may only hold someone as a kidnapee/hostage for 15 minutes maximum without doing anything, and something must be done (I.e. asking for ransom, getting them to work, etc.) for at least a 10 minute period. You cannot pass a hostage onto another group/person to “reset the timer” You can only kidnap or take someone hostage for a maximum of 30 minutes. You can only take the same person hostage every 60 minutes You cannot get another group to kidnap the same person in order for yourself/your group to get the said person again You can only take a hostage every 60 minutes 2.6 - Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto is not the same as mugging, and as such, the green/red areas do not apply. Players can steal any car as long as they lockpick, force a player to unlock their car or find an unlocked car. If a player exits/enters their vehicle, or unlocks the vehicle, a period of 5 seconds must be applied to give the player time to lock and get into their car before it can be stolen. 2.7 - Hostage RP Police must always attempt to negotiate for the hostage’s life. No officers may fire any shots at all until negotiations are considered over. If the hostage taker shoots at Police, they may shoot back, making every attempt to not hit the hostage. If a police officer witnesses another police officer being held up at gunpoint they may not fire upon the hostage taker despite there being a clear shot. This applies if the hostage taker has said officer under FearRP and has their hands up. 2.8 - Fake Hostages You may use a fake hostage for robberies and hostage negotiations as long as it is role played correctly and the fake hostage receives something in return of the risk. A hostage cannot be a gang member or associate, but a player that you have no roleplay relation with and is a stranger to you. A player is regarded as a hostage only when they are zip-tied or actively being held under Fear RP. Fake hostages cannot be used to bait for Police to come negotiate for the sole purpose of then killing that Officer. 2.9 - Serial Murders Any number of murders in relative rapid succession are not permitted under any circumstances, as it can hinder other players’ roleplay experience. Killing for the sake of bloodlust is Fail RP. You need a roleplay reason to kill which relies on the benefit outweighing the risk. 2.10 - Finishing People Off You need initiation to finish people. Police, SWAT or Secret Service may not finish players off regardless of how many Paramedics are on. 2.11 - Mayoral Assassination The Mayor can only be assassinated if it sufficiently benefits the players involved or the Mayor has negatively affected the players in a severe personal way. The Mayor can only be assassinated if an attempt has been made to get the Mayor to correct the situation that has negatively affected the player(s). If the Mayor refuses to correct the situation, then the player(s) may attempt an assassination. If the Mayor agrees and amends their concerns the player(s) will not be able to assassinate the Mayor. The Mayor may be assassinated without a meeting only under the following conditions but not limited to. (The reason for a no meeting assassination will be left to the discretion of the staff members) Corruption Dictatorship style leadership When organising a meeting with the Mayor you must do it in a sensible way when consulting the SS to contact the Mayor. This includes not approaching the SS with weapons out in a threatening manner which goes against SS conduct/security if they let you have a meeting with the Mayor. If doing so, and if you are denied entry, you may not use this as an excuse to kill the Mayor as you were denied entry. It is up to the admin to decide whether or not your methods of trying to contact the Mayor is suitable or not. You do not need to initiate when assassinating the Mayor. You cannot assassinate the Mayor for the sole purpose of yourself(s) wanting to become the Mayor or you missing out on becoming the Mayor. Police and SS do not need to initiate on a group/player if they are attempting to assassinate the Mayor. 2.12 - Miscellaneous Rules Players cannot take over the PD. You cannot zip tie someone with the sole intent of taking their items Players cannot do a jailbreak with less than 5 Police online. Players cannot rob more than one store (whether the same or different or restarting the same robbery) within 30 minutes of the last robbery. Players or groups can only raid the base of a same player they raided before in a period of 60 minutes. Meaning a group must wait 60 minutes to raid the same player. (This is changed when gangs are at war) A player/group must wait 30 minutes before raiding another base, this applies to everyone and stays going meaning if a group of 3 raid a base and 2 other players say they are raiding a base the 3 original raiders must wait the 30 minutes before raiding again. Dragging away bodies from paramedics is prohibited unless it directly provides an advantage to the player to do so in roleplay. You may craft in public provided that you are hidden in a secluded area, this does not include public shops and greenzones. If a player(s) is robbing a NPC store they cannot run outside the confines of the store with the sole intent of pursuing police who have already been killed/ended and are trying to continue another roleplay situation, unless it is called upon through another roleplay situation. If a player(s) is engaged with a gang initiation on the police they cannot run around the map with the sole intention of finding police with the main reason to use this initiation to go on a police killing spree, unless it is called upon through another roleplay situation. If a player is engaged with a gang initiation on another gang/player/group they cannot run around the map with the sole intention of killing them repeatedly by using the initiation period to consistently kill them. Unless it is called upon through another roleplay situation. A player may force another player to open a trunk if they are putting the said player who owns the vehicle under a Fear RP state, this does not include vaults. Rape RP is STRICTLY against the rules. This includes both actions and sounds. 3.0 - New Life Rule (NLR) Apart from when a player is alive, there are three states of health: 3.1 - Ragdoll When a player is ragdolled, they are completely conscious and may remember what happened prior - this usually happens after jumping out of a car at speed. 3.2 - Unconscious This state is when a player sees the countdown timer, and is the state they are in before they die. When a player is unconscious, they may remember what happened prior only if the paramedic can determine if there was no head trauma. Regardless of head trauma or not though, the player may not rejoin in the current RP situation and must leave the area and not return (Unless a police officer, refer below) If head trauma can’t be determined, then it is assumed the player has head trauma. 3.2 - Dead When a player is dead, they have either been finished off or the countdown timer expired. The player must forget everything prior to them dying and treat their respawn as a new life. When a player dies and respawns, they must NOT return to the same RP situation at which they died. Wait approximately one minute after an active gun related situation has finished before reviving a person. If before this time the person is revived, it may be considered combat reviving. It is up to staff discretion to determine this. If you want to revive the person earlier then one minute, you must remove them from the area of the situation. You cannot use gang initiation to work around the NLR rulings. This is classified as you dying and waiting for a new gang initiation on the same role play situation to rejoin. You cannot join the same role play situation at all. Police may return to the same role play situation after it has finished to help process/transport individuals, so long as every other aspect of the situation has finished. 3.3 - Swapping Jobs Civilian and Police lives are different, meaning any crimes done on civilian, can’t be taken in character impacting your cop life. When swapping jobs, your initiation won't carry across with you. However, your memory of incidents may, unless getting on Police, where you can’t remember anything from your civilian life. (this does not include going from Police to SWAT and back.) E.g.: You see a man with a gun outside the Mayor's office and he tells you he will try to kill the Mayor. You become SS you can then try to hold that man up for police to arrest him for breaking laws. 4.0 - Initiation Any initiation must be local, whether vocally or via local IC chat, as advertising isn’t counted towards initiation. 4.1 - General Initiation Initiation is required to do harm to other players, For example damage, killing or shooting their cars / items. Police may only shoot at vehicles if Lethal Force has been authorised by a Sergeant+. This may only be authorised if the vehicle or person (s) iare putting police or civilian lives at risk. Initiation lasts 15 minutes before you must re-initiate. If a player has a weapon pointed directly at another player and is threatening their life directly (by verbal or local chat) it is regarded as initiation. This does not apply if a player has any non lethal item out (i.e. fists, physgun, etc.). You cannot initiate with fists. Taking damage from another player by any means is initiation. Baiting for initiation is strictly forbidden. Verbal abuse is considered as initiation BUT you have to roleplay it out, not immediately kill someone for it. Killing for this reason should be last resort. (Fuck around and find out) If players pose a threat to the belongings or life of another player, the player gains initiation. Instances of threats to the belongings or life of a player includes but is not limited to: Raiding a player’s base. Causing any sort of noticeable damage to a player or their items/vehicles. Verbally threatening another player with a weapon out. Once a player enters the “Death Countdown” state they lose ALL prior initiation on other players and all other players lose initiation on that player. This loss of initiation still applies if the player is revived. Punching a vehicle or a person is initiation. Placing thumbtacks/car bombs on vehicles requires correct initiation that stems from roleplay. 4.1.1 - New Players You may not initiate on people with the “New Member” tag above their head as they are new and aren’t fully aware of how initiation works yet. However if a new player initiates on you, you may retaliate. 4.2 - Holding Up After initiation has occurred, a grace period of at least 5 seconds must be allowed in order for the victim to react to any given orders. This grace period does not include if they are speeding off in a car or generally disobeying the order in an attempt to flee (i.e., if the player breaks fearrp). Keep orders clear and concise. Player(s) may not use the initiation rule on a sole individual to hunt anyone else in their group, whether it’s a gang or Police. If a player initiates on a group in an area of the map, they may not use that as an excuse to murder other members of the said group in another part of the map You cannot use minigames as a means to use this as an excuse to kill someone This includes random questions, trivia and other questions/games Making someone take cosmetics off for the sake of killing them ( You must give people 5 seconds to take each individual cosmetic off.) Doing any act designed to trick people into not complying for the sake of killing them is strictly against the rules. 4.3 - Police Initiation Police do not need to initiate when a player is holding out a firearm. Tampering with Police Evidence (i.e., tampering with body boxes, dragging bodies, etc..) is regarded as initiation. If a cop respawns during a raid, any players with prior initiation on the cop in their previous life will lose their initiation. Raiding the Police Station does give Police automatic initiation on the raider(s), but not the other way around. 4.4 - Gang Initiation If you initiate on someone in a gang/police, then that may be interpreted as initiation on the entire group - but only by members within visible distance, unless they are called via in-game radio or phone or verified organisation channel on Discord. During robberies, individuals who belong to a gang that have been involved in the robbery since its start are not required to have separate initiation on Police. If gangs are at war with each other, initiation is not required when raiding a member of the gang they are at war with.Player(s) may not use the initiation rule on a sole gang member to go hunting down other gang members/police. This is explained as using the initiation on one person of a gang/police to go hunting down other members to ruin their experience If a player initiates on a group in an area of the map they may not use that as an excuse to murder other members of the said group in another part of the map Robbery of a store is automatic initiation on Police. If you step out of the store, initiation is still applied within visual distance, so long as it does not remove roleplay value for Police. (I.e, robbing IGAR with a sniper at Train Station is fine, but having someone camp under bridge would ruin the roleplay for the Police). 4.5 - Vehicle Initiation If someone who’s initiated on jumps inside a vehicle, you need to initiate separately on the vehicle’s driver - you can’t just spray down the vehicle. If a player shoots another player’s car, then the owner of the vehicle gains initiation. If an individual’s car is stolen by another player, the owner of the car has initiation on any person(s) inside his/her vehicle. Intentionally ramming/colliding with another vehicle is not allowed unless it sufficiently benefits you. ( Example if you're running from the cops and you ram them off the road.) 4.6 - Initiation Timers Initiation compliance: 5 seconds. Hold up and mug: 30 minutes 60 if it's the same player. Kidnap: 30 minutes or 60 minutes same person (A player can only be held captive for a maximum of 30 minutes). Time before you can steal car: 10 seconds after unlocking. Store Robbery Waiting Time: 30 minutes. Raid: 20 minutes (50 minutes if it's the same base). Police Hosted Raid: 20 minutes. Gang Wars Raid: 25 minutes. Gang War Kidnap: 15 minutes. Bank Robbery: 60 minutes. 5.0 Map, Property & Construction Rules 5.1 - Green Zones Green Zones Include: NPC Stores (within the confines of the building), excluding Drug Dealer & stores being robbed. Spawn Areas Police may arrest, hold people at taser/gun point or do other duties as required in Green Zones if they have probable cause. Cars are not protected when inside green zones. If someone attempts to steal a car whilst inside a green zone, the owner may retaliate without initiation. Chests/Vaults are not protected by Green Zones. Camping Green Zones, such as waiting for someone to leave a zone to mug them, is strictly forbidden. Green zones are safe areas unless initiation occurs prior to entering 5.2 - Exploiting Green Zones Examples of exploiting green zones include: Selling Illegal Items. Players cannot build in green zones unless that player owns a part of the green zone (i.e., If a player owns building inside of the property) Dragging a dead body into a greenzone for the purpose that someone can't initiate on you. (e.g: Not letting someone drag a body outside, etc.) 5.3 - Foritifications Any fortifications must be done within the confines of the property, such as: External compound walls for Mansions and other properties with such walls. External walls for shops and other buildings. 5.4 - Properties Props may be used to block an entrance to a property, if at least one entrance to the main area of the property is left unobstructed. The main area of a property is defined as the area within the property where the majority of occupants reside and main functions of the property are carried out. Entrances may be blocked by use of props if: The prop itself is destructible (via damage by weapons). There is another way to enter the room/area. If there is another entrance You cannot block an area in a way that is obstructed An obstruction is classified as a route that needs crouching, jumping or a form of a “buggy” prop in the way. Player owned property is defined as the building or compound in which the player has bought through the property NPC. Their property is the building(s) and compound surrounding it if controlled by a gate. This does not apply to separate compounds or fences outside the gated area. A player must not buy a property and not intend to use it, this also applies to a user buying a property and after using it they do not sell it. This is intended to allow other players to purchase highly sought after properties. A player must only have a property purchased if they intend to use it A player(s) cannot close a door and relock it after it has been pick locked/door rammed until the current situation in that area is resolved/finished. This does not include an overall initiation time period nor does it include if a player leaves or a player is outside of the area regrouping/assessing for another assault. Make sure you don’t over flood an area with vehicles as this creates fps issues. 5.5 - Elaborate Construction Props may not be used to elaborately direct a player’s movements in such a way that worsens the quality of roleplay (e.g: through the creation of a maze). A pathway must allow at least two players to fit through the path travelling side by side with no obstacles in the way. Pathways forcing players to jump or crouch in order to travel is prohibited The construction of excessively elevated platforms is prohibited. Players may not create a construction that allows for one-way visibility. 5.6 - Placing Props & Realistic Construction Props may only be placed within a player’s own property or a property they have permission to build on, excluding Barricades and Cones placed by Police, unless with staff consent. Props must be placed realistically, which means that it must be able to remain in its position without being frozen through the use of a Physgun unless supported to a realistic extent by other props or the environment, such as in the form of a bridge or ramp. If they are done in a fashion as realistic as possible, exceptions may be made. Player Made constructions must be built realistically. You cannot place a billboard, sign or photo frame over someone else's in an attempt to cover it up. You may only do so with the permission of the owner of the prop. You cannot use props/player boosting as an attempt to climb over walls or into areas that are not intended to be accessed. Stores or stalls must be constructed in a realistic fashion, where effort should be put into the design and decoration of the store. Littering props is a warnable/bannable offence. 5.7 - CCTV Cameras CCTV Cameras must be placed realistically and on your property, and may not be used offensively in raids. You cannot block the view of cctv cameras with props. 6.0 - Job Rules The use of Lights and Sirens can only be used if proceeding to an emergency or as a warning system (E.g., traffic stops, pulled over, blocking roads, etc). If you are in a job, you must roleplay as that job 100% of the time, unless going to hospital or anything that is critical to the player’s well being. You may not join a job while someone has initiated on you and are actively pursuing you. 6.1 - Job Abuse Job Abuse is defined as becoming a job with no intent to roleplay as that job or to benefit only yourself in becoming that job. For example: Becoming a Sales Truck Driver solely to purchase items to craft weapons. 6.2 - Paramedic Rules Paramedics must follow all road rules unless there is an emergency. Players must not be revived during an active gunfight unless they are a considerable distance away - however, that person must not rejoin that gunfight. Paramedics may transport a patient to hospital provided that the patient has a life threatening injury (Deemed by the paramedic). This may not be abused to deliberately take individuals out of RP scenarios. If a ticket is called on this matter, it is up to the staff members discretion to decide the punishment . 6.3 - Police Rules Police must make an attempt to negotiate for a hostages life regardless of how bad the scene seems. If a situation for negotiation is presented they must make attempt to negotiate. Does not count or is cancelled if one of these conditions are met; Is not willing to negotiate Shoots at/Harms an officer Sets a completely unreasonable/unobtainable demand Police can only raid a property owned by someone once every 30 minutes. Police CANNOT ticket someone for something that is out of their control (I.e. reckless driving when their ping is 500; or for a vehicle not displaying licence plates). Police may enter any unowned property without a warrant if there is suspicious activity on either a visual or auditory level. Police may only freeze the following blocks when creating a road block The Large Orange Water Cones Taser spamming without an RP reason other than to annoy is against the rules High Command and IA must not minge and must not be regular rule breakers. They must have a good reputation in terms of being an example for the community. Initiating on an officer allows for all police officers on duty to have initiation on you Code black can last for a maximum of 2 hours AT MOST. This requires active situations every 10 minutes to stay active. New Players are not affected by Code Black. For an officer to shoot an unarmed civilian for their actions, despite having initiation, their actions must be threatening to either the lives of the officers or other civilians. In regards to the tampering with evidence law in the criminal code, you may only be shot if you are dragging a body away from police. Note: Refer to police the conduct for information on what the police can and can’t do in RP 6.4 - Police Corruption Only Server Management may enact a police corruption server ban. Corrupt RP MUST be roleplayed out to its fullest extent. You may also end up getting demoted or blacklisted from that job if evidence is found. Internal Affairs CANNOT be corrupt. Leaking confidential PD documents violates server rules. You may not release someone from prison because you’re corrupt, you may however be bribed to look the other way. You can not use the police NPC to release people from jail or promote/demote people in a corrupt manner. To use it you must gain permission from the active supervisor on duty. Members of Internal Affairs and/or High Command cannot be corrupt 6.5 - Firefighter Rules Firefighters must follow all road rules unless there is an emergency. 6.6 - City Worker Rules No criminal activity is allowed, including breaking road rules. City workers must build in a realistic manner. It is up top staff discretion what is realistic. There must be an alternate path available as a detour. A clear detour must be provided whether it be via signs or verbal explanation. 6.7 - Secret Service Rules Secret Service cannot break any laws, including road rules. Secret Service do not have authority over Police. Secret Service can use the weapons they are given via the locker or illegal weapons on preference. Secret Service cannot be arrested for carrying illegal weapons. Secret Service cannot act as police such as arresting civilians, if they wish to arrest a person they must contact the police. If no police are available they cannot arrest them Taser spamming without an RP reason other than to annoy is against the rules 6.8 - Mayor Rules The Mayor cannot break any laws, including road rules. The Mayor must not command the Secret Service to perform illegal activities for their benefit. Mayors can only change a few laws. The Mayor must consult with at least a Commander+, if wanting to change laws. The following laws cannot be changed by the Mayor: Laws regarding assault or murder. Laws regarding any Emergency Services. Laws regarding Firearms. Laws regarding High-Risk Drugs. 6.9 - Tow Truck Rules Tow Truck drivers cannot break any laws, including road rules. Tow Truck drivers cannot use the tow truck to steal vehicles for personal gain. Any vehicle parked on private property must have consent from the owner (of the property) to be towed. Tow truck drivers can only tow illegally parked cars. If someone's car is illegally parked, a player cannot defend the vehicle and tell a tow truck driver to drop the vehicle, even if the tow truck driver is under FearRP. 6.10 - Transport Driver Rules (Taxi, Sales Truck, Truck Driver & Mail Truck Driver) No criminal activity is allowed while you are doing any transport job, including breaking road rules. As a Taxi Driver, you cannot roleplay as a ‘Über’ driver, etc. using your own personal vehicle. 7.0 - Communication & Chat Rules 7.1 - Abusing Out Of Character (OOC) Chat Players must never use the OOC chat to discuss/inform any information that is roleplay related. Using OOC chat to flame players/staff/the server will result in severe punishment. OOC Chat can only be used for OOC information. Players may get a verbal warning for the first time, up to the discretion of the staff member. 7.2 - Third Party Communication Applications Use of Third Party Communication Apps (Discord, TeamSpeak, Skype, etc.) to communicate in-character information is strictly forbidden, except in the case of Approved Discord Channels (talk to Manager for more info). Likewise, OOC, Advert and PM shouldn’t be used either - rather, use the mobile phone feature on the server. Police are permitted to use the Discord for communications. Players can use their organisation’s voice chat in the Discord for communications. 7.3 - Advertisements All advertisements should be treated with some degree of realism and treated as ‘public’, as such, everyone will know who posted it. To get around this, use text signs as ‘posters’ or billboards to anonymously post. In the case where alternate names are used (I.e. ‘Nerf Guns’), Police can and will investigate suspicious activity. You may not advertise that you are holding hostages, unless Police aren’t answering their phones. As advertisements are public, any advertisement that may cause undue risk to your general wellbeing to any degree is considered unrealistic and cannot be done. 8.0 - General Rules 8.1 - Visual or Auditory Media Any media from a third party (i.e. YouTube videos via TV) is to be appropriate and no explicit content is to be shown. You cannot use a TV or radio or any other media to play over the audio of another TV/radio/images for any purpose, including to annoy players or to play ‘what you want’. 8.2 - Organisations Organisations must have a valid and approved post in #gang-applications in discord, with the following in the post: Name (cannot be previous Org name without permission from Org Auditor) Roster, including all members (members not on roster won’t have gang initiation applied to them) Allies and enemies Uniforms (total of three per gender, uniform must not be similar to an existing org) Roleplay reason of the organisation. Gangs must ensure that their roster is ALWAYS kept up to date, it is the organisation members' responsibility to keep the roster updated. If there is a member who is in the organisation but is not on the roster, they may still be shot by opposing parties in the specific situation. The members who are NOT written down in the organisation roster are not allowed to carry any form of gang initiation. This cannot be used as a way to exploit gang initiation. Organisations without a valid roleplay reason, at the discretion of the Organisation Auditor or the Manager, will be shut down. Organisations can have 9 members and 1 leader (10 total); verified organisations can have 14 members and one leader (15 total). Unverified orgs may have 1 ally; verified orgs may have 2. Allies must be roleplayed out to the fullest. If you are allied it must benefit your gang to do so and you must be able to provide proof of some form of benefit if asked for it. Organisations should be roleplayed out to its fullest potential. If you are a criminal organisation you can still do crime. Just make sure you roleplay it out Organisation members may be removed by the leader at any time. Sub Organisations are not permitted. 8.21 - Organisation Uniforms Organisation members must, at all times, wear the correct uniform. Gangs can only have a maximum of 3 variations of clothing, with three hats or masks that can be used per uniform, so long as they are the same hats/masks. Red Shirt, Black Hat - Red Shirt, Blue Hat - Red Shirt, Yellow Hat fall under one uniform. You can repeat these hats on the remaining two uniforms for that gender, and the other three for the other gender Other black/neck cosmetics are optional. 8.3 - Gang Wars These rules are changes in server rules which only apply to gangs in an active war. The rules mentioned in this section will only apply to gangs at war as they contradict server rules. Gang wars must be approved by an staff member or above who is not a part of either side of the war. Gang wars may be ended at any time by the manager. Gang wars are declared over by a joint decision from the enforcers or the decision of the manager. 8.4 - Using Police Skins You cannot use any Police skins on Civilian vehicles. This is not a punishable offence, except in the case you do not comply to change it 8.5 - Player Etiquette Players should show the respect they want from others towards others Racism is permitted, so long as there is no malicious intent and it is used without invalid reason. The level of appropriate use is at the discretion of the staff member. No Sexual Harassment is allowed. If a player requests you stop doing something in RP as they find it offensive, you must stop as it will result in a harsh punishment. Players should not excessively grief or minge other players to intentionally ruin RP Disruptive/Abusive Behaviour (Abusing, Mic Spamming, Hateful Speech & Insults) in a malicious, non-roleplay related situation is not permitted. Taking disrespect to the extreme (May be roleplayed in lower levels, and excessive disrespect is up to the discretion of the staff member). Players should not grief or minge other players to intentionally ruin RP Don’t pose of other players on discord or in game Causing Drama within the community or PD in order to get others punished or demoted is not acceptable 9.0 - Administration Rules 9.1 - Leniency Leniency to rules may only be permitted by an Admin+ in the following situations: Any player who wishes to be excluded from players or staff ‘mucking around’ must be allowed to do their own thing. 9.2 - Prop Leveraging/Pushing (Prop Abuse) Props may not be used to move players, other props or vehicles. Prop may not be used to block the only entrance, player or object Props may not be used as a form of transportation or to climb Props may not be used as a weapon Props may not be placed in an unrealistic manner as to impede other players’ roleplay 9.3 - Vigilantism Any player who witnesses a player breaking rules may inform the rule breaker of the situation, but may not take matters into their own hands to an extreme level, such as killing said rule breaker unless deemed necessary/relevant. Call Staff! 9.4 - Staff Disrespect Any form of disrespect towards staff in an out of character situation will result in an immediate kick, this includes: Verbal abuse. Telling a staff member how to do their job. Harassing staff about a decision they have made. Any other forms at staff discretion. Proclaiming staff abuse without going through the correct procedure (Using @ or the forums & having no evidence) will also result in a warn & kick. If you believe that the staff member is being biased or unfair, you are allowed to clearly say to the staff member: “I would like an arbitrator to be witness to this admin sit” to which any other staff member can join the sit. The role of the arbitrator is to ensure that the user is being treated fairly and respectfully. If no other staff members are online, it is recommended to record the encounter and not to argue with the staff member and make an appeal / complaint after on the forums. 9.5 - Admin Sits Staff are regarded as normal players when in a sit and receive no special treatment or bias from the staff member dealing with sit A staff member must not be biased towards a fellow staff member in a sit. If you feel they are, please make a staff complaint through our forums with as much detail and evidence as possible. There is no such thing as “A staffs word is taken more than a players word so the staff member automatically wins the sit” 9.6 - When an Admin deals with their own situation If a staff member was involved in a situation that requires an admin sit, it’s policy that the staff member doesn’t deal with that situation. 9.7 - Evidence If a player is complaining about a player, evidence may be required. If a player is complaining about a staff member, evidence is required. A staff member does not need evidence to punish someone, as a staff member’s word is highly trusted and staff are trained to deal with complicated situations. 9.8 - Lying during an Admin Situation Lying during an admin sit is a severe offense. 9.9 - Asking for a New Staff Member Players have the right to a new staff member if they feel the current staff member taking the sit is biased (If Available) There is a limit to how many times a player can request a new staff member for the same situation, with the limit being 3 additional staff. 9.10 - Asking for a Certain Staff Member Players should never ask for a certain staff member when submitting a ticket. There are few cases where it is allowed, and these are: If said staff member dealt with a previous situation/ticket that ties in with the new ticket. If the Admin ticket is regarding another staff member. 9.11 - False Admin Tickets Any player who makes a ticket that isn’t intended to raise an issue will be punished. This includes to comment on a previous sit, or to ask for a certain staff member to “watch this”. Vagueness in ticket descriptions are also false tickets. You must specify the situation. 9.12 - Doxing Players Doxing is releasing personal information about another member of the community, past or present, without their consent, knowing or for malicious reasons. Doxing is strictly against community and server rules, not to mention State and Federal Laws. Anyone caught doxing or assisting in doxing will receive a permanent ban and exile from the community. 9.13 - Punishments Punishments are also automatically handed out from AWarn, the server’s warning system. Permanent bans will be issued for any violation of TOS. 9.14 - Exploiting & General Etiquette Exploiting is punished severely. If an exploit is found, report it to a staff member immediately. Types of exploiting that are not allowed and general etiquette that should not be done include: Using unintended methods of obtaining gear. Combat Logging or using in-game mechanics to avoid/alter a roleplay scenario. Using console commands for in-character gain. Using scripts, bots or hacks. Suiciding via external means to get out of a roleplay situation. You cannot use certain in-game mechanics to get around another in-game mechanic (I.e. using /me rolls 100, instead of /roll). You cannot use in game mechanics to do acts that would be deemed as unrealistic (refer to Fail RP). Using exploits to dupe money/items (this will result in a permanent ban). Exploiting/loopholing the rules is not permitted. Trying to use voice and then using text chat to trick the person to not comply in order to kill them is a form of exploitation. When putting people under Fear RP in chat, make it short and precise. People need time to read it and 5 seconds isn't enough time to read a paragraph.
  15. Mellow Staff Application Template Requirements: Atleast 16 years of age. Good standing within the community. Able to act professional with a serious manner. Has a microphone available for use. A well structured staff application Copy the following text and paste in your application. DiscordID?: SteamID?: (https://www.steamidfinder.com) Steam Profile?: (https://www.steamidfinder.com) Age?: What timezone are you located in? GMT+1/EST/PST Do you have a functioning microphone?: Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community? If yes, explain in next question. Explain your previous experience with detail please. How often will you be able to be on? Explain your schedule inside a week. What makes you stand out from other candidates? Do you understand, if you contact anyone regarding your staff application, that it will get removed?
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