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ncaa|Seawolf's Police application


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Discord name: seawolf9202
In-Game name: Geoffrey Sinclair
Age: 20

Past experience as a police officer in other gamemodes/on santos gamemode?: I've had experience playing police on SantosRP since 2017, 
mainly on Geetsly's Gaming Network (On which I reached Corporal) and ProjectSteele (On which I reached Lieutenant and had forays into (Edit: I was SWAT lead for a while. Double-checked for sake of accuracy)SWAT and Internal Affairs 
alonside helping shape some of the SOPs of the department on that server). 
All in all I have extensive experience in RPing police on SantosRP itself. There were also other servers, but they lasted too short for me to remember their names.
In terms of other gamemodes, I've done a bit on perpheads, although in a limited capacity as I don't play perpheads much.

Why should we choose you as a police officer of RiverdenPD?: 
I have extensive experience playing police on SantosRP servers and would be able to benefit the rest of the department by sharing my experience. 
My experience would also be able to benefit the PD in terms of what works and doesn't work for SOPs and so on.

Do you understand inproper jail times can result in a game ban?: Yes


By the way - It seems that automatically skipping to a new line is a bit broken.




Edited by ncaaSeawolf
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